Lender's Guide
Quantifying the Value of eClose
New mortgage industry research analyzes the average savings per loan lenders achieve with eClose technology, and reveals the seven key value drivers that influence ROI.
This guide establishes a framework for lenders to track, measure, and evaluate the business value of eClose.
Lender's Guide Preview:
Average gross savings per loan increases as a loan gets more digitized. In other words, the more a lender invests in their eClose strategy, the more dramatic the ROI.
See new data revealing aggregate savings per loan
Lender data from 25 leading mortgage lenders and subject matter experts validates gross savings per loan across each digital mortgage closing type, including hybrid, hybrid + eNote, and full eClose (RON).
Learn the 7 value drivers that impact the ROI of eClose
eClose technology drives cost savings through operational and secondary market efficiencies. These efficiencies are comprised of seven core subcategories, each of which individually influence cost savings.
Get the Lender Checklist: The steps of a successful eClose strategy
Get a step-by-step guide on how to build a scalable eClose initiative, including how to set clear and actionable eClose milestones, plan for change management and settlement adoption, and best practice recommendations to ensure eClose success.